Rich Boziwick is President of R. P. Luce & Company, a supplier of reusable shipping containers and cases used in the military, government and broadcast industries. Rich graduated as a BSME in 1973 and initially worked as a Construction Engineer for the M. W. Kellogg Company and was stationed at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Station in Avila Beach, CA. It was in the early 80’s that with the nuclear power market dwindling, Rich moved into the family business, R P Luce & Company. The company was founded in 1953 and his father, George (Clarkson ’48), became a partner in 1955. Rich started as a Sales Engineer in 1982 and at that time, his family bought out the Luce family. The name was retained due to name recognition over almost 30 years. In 1990, Rich’s father went into semi-retirement and Rich was made President and has been in this position ever since. Visit www.rpluce.com for more information.
Rich has been involved in numerous other activities bellow that have kept him out of trouble:
- Director of The Great Cow Harbor 10K Run – 1990 to Present
- Member of the Village of Northport Planning Board – 1991 to Present
- President of NY Chapter of ERA (Electronics Rep Assoc.) – 1993 to 1995
- Clarkson University Board of Governors – 1993 to Present
- Organist / Pianist – St Philip Neri R C Church – 1994 to Present
- President of the Clarkson Alumni Association – 1996 to 1997
- Clarkson University Golden Knight Award – 1998
- Northport Yacht Club Board of Governors – 2003 to Present
- Chair Village of Northport Planning Board – 2003 to Present
- Chair of Clarkson University’s Parents Association – 2009 to 2010
As Rich’s business has grown, he has been able to find very qualified and capable personnel that were not just from Clarkson, but from AXP and happy to indicate that John Szalkai (’95) and Morgan Jones (’10) are members of the R. P. Luce Organization. We thank Rich for his significant efforts and time in helping the fraternity in recent years. Please feel free to drop Rich a note at rich_boziwick@rpluce.com.