Jim Dreyfuss (JD) graduated in 1979 with a degree in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering. While he enjoyed his entire educational experience at Clarkson, some of his fondest memories are that of being a member of AXP. Jim also served as a Student Senator during his Junior and Senior Years. Upon graduation, Jim worked for Olin Chemical for over 10 years and worked at four of their operations, having managerial responsibilities in several areas including engineering, manufacturing and maintenance. Jim was involved in implementing many software systems (SAP, etc.) while at Olin and decided to get into the software industry and has held positions ranging from Major Accounts Sales Manager to VP Sales & Marketing. Jim currently works for TotalMobile where they help optimize the way companies and organizations conduct business by providing packaged mobile solutions that deliver field worker efficiencies, business process improvements, increased compliance and compelling savings.
Jim pledged Fall of 1976 and was a member of the first pledge class joining AXP after the new Chapter House was rebuilt from the fire (12/20/75) that took down the old structure. Jim was Rush Chairman his senior year and pleased to say he was involved in rushing one of the largest pledge classes the fraternity ever had (graduates of ’81). Jim was also the Chairman of the Ice Sculpture for Ice Carnival and while he cannot prove it, would guess the “Coney Island” roller coaster that AXP built for the 1979 Ice Carnival was the largest Ice Sculpture ever built in Potsdam (25′ tall, 360º loop, and drove your car underneath the portion that crossed the driveway!). JD was also proud that his senior year, the chapter had the highest GPA of any fraternity, won Ice Carnival and first to win AXP’s Chapter of the Year.
Jim has been active with the Alumni Association ever since he graduated and been on the Building Corporation Board for nearly 15 years. Jim helped to raise funds when the roof needing replacing several years ago, he has rewritten the by-laws, with significant changes in how fees are obtained to improve the financial viability of the Chapter. He also worked on several renovation projects and scoped out and managed the installation of the new windows and specified the layout, materials and refurbishment of the new kitchen. Jim has also been responsible for the Chapter’s new Web site.
Jim and his wife Beata have three boys and Jim is very active in a number of activities besides AXP, including coaching recreational sports in his town, Committee Chairman for the town’s Boy Scout Troop 266 and also participated on ABC’s Extreme Makeover when they were in New Hampshire. And lastly and speaking of largest again, Jim is an extremely avid fan for the best football team ever, the one with the largest number of Super Bowl Trophies, the incredible Pittsburgh Steelers (JD’s home town)! Feel free to contact Jim if you would like to touch base with him or join the Steelers Fan Club :>)