Maurice (Morey) Petrone was a member of the first pledge class after the fraternity became a Chapter of the National Fraternity of AXP. Since there were only 12 members returning in the Fall of 1956 and 33 recent pledges, pledges played a major part in running the Fraternity. Morey moved into the house as a pledge and was House Manager and on the Executive Board for three years. The Chapter at that time had little monies and therefore had to become very innovative in handling all of the Chapter’s expenses. Morey recalls that all of the bills were always paid and paid on time. The Chapter voted to send Doug Farry and Morey as representatives to the National Convention in Iowa during the summer after their Sophomore Years.
Morey graduated Clarkson in 1960 and at that time, was the youngest person to be elected to the AXP National Council. Morey was also elected as the first President of the Zeta Phi Building Corporation. Morey served for approximately five years during which time, the chapter prospered and was financially sound. Morey started an annual reunion for Zeta Phi members that graduated between the years of 1955 and 1962. The reunions are hosted by one of the members from this group and have been held in different regions around the country for over 15 consecutive years!
Morey is retired from a Division of Litton where he worked in College Park, MD as Director of Communications Systems. Morey’s group of Program and Business Development Managers, along with Hardware and Software Engineers were responsible for obtaining new business, designing, manufacturing and servicing the various communications systems. Many thanks to Morey for all his efforts over the years and please feel free to contact Morey at maurice.petrone@verizon.net if you would like to get back in touch with him. Morey is pictured with his wife Kay on the left and their daughter Linda in the middle.