
Donate to AXP Zeta Phi

Major House Renovations Underway!

Ross Williamson ‘74 returned to campus this summer for his 50th reunion and since then has been a tireless advocate for getting the house in shape. After visiting the house, becoming involved with the board, running for and elected to a Director position, Ross has worked tirelessly with the Asset Management Committee, the undergrads, and has even made two trips to Potsdam to work on house improvement projects. And the work is only just beginning!

As a result of Ross’s visits and efforts to date, the Asset Management Committee has put together a comprehensive, prioritized list of projects that we feel are needed to get the house in decent shape to attract strong rush pools and residents (meeting at least the dad standard, if not the mom standard).

To that end, we have put together a “registry” of sorts that you can contribute towards.  If a particular project resonates with you, feel free to email with your request after you make your donation and we’ll add your name to the list below.  Can’t choose?  That’s fine.  We will apply your donation to the most critical need.

Please view the presentation below that the Asset Management Committee has put together describing the various projects and costs.  While the work seems significant, with your help we believe it is achievable.  And we’ve gotten a very good start on the top priority items already, so we look to you to help keep that momentum going.

Current Project List and Donors

Become a Zeta Phi Sustainer

We also invite you to join our sustaining contribution program with a monthly donation that helps us better manage our cash flow. Several levels are available. Thank you again for your support of the chapter.

There are several giving options available:
    • Group donation for room naming rights — If your graduating year or pledge class would like to get together (possibly with other years) to sponsor a room, please let us know and we can arrange a group donation along with a plaque to honor your group.
    • One-time donation — We appreciate your one-time gift to help meet our fundraising goal.  Please use the button below to donate via PayPal (credit cards are accepted).  Fill out the amount you wish to donate (click the donation amount and type in the amount you wish to donate)

    • Recurring donation — We would like to invite you to become a Zeta Phi Sustainer and contribute on a monthly basis.  This will give us a more consistent cash flow and help us to plan capital improvement projects without relying on a single mass donation each year.  If you are interested in becoming a Sustainer, please click the button below.  There are several pre-set giving options that range from $5 to $25/month.  If you would prefer to donate a different amount, please let us know.

Sustainer Level