History and Facts

History & Facts

Chapter Origins: Omega Epsilon, Clarkson’s sixth fraternity emerged during the 1954-55 school year. The first fraternity at Clarkson began in 1903.

Local Chapter Founding: February 18, 1956, Omega Epsilon became the Zeta Phi Chapter of the National Fraternity of Alpha Chi Rho.  The Zeta Phi Chapter became the 29th Chapter of AXP.

National Founding: AXP was founded on June 4, 1895 at Trinity College in Hartford, CT

National Website: www.AlphaChiRho.org

Chapter Colors: Garnet & White

Chapter of the Year: The Zeta Phi Chapter has been the recipient of the Chapter of the Year Award  (Curley Walden Award) three times, 1979, 2003 and 2009, among all of the Chapters of Alpha Chi Rho.

Alumni: Nearly 1,000 members since 1954

Alumni Association / Zeta Phi Building Corporation

The Zeta Phi Building Corporation of the Fraternity of Alpha Chi Rho (Building Corporation) is a New York Non-Profit Corporation that was established to address the requirements of the Zeta Phi Chapter and its alumni. The Building Corporation owns and maintains the current chapter house for the use by the members of the Zeta Phi Chapter.  

The objectives of the Building Corporation are to provide assistance to the Chapter for its long term growth, success and academic excellence by all the members. This support is offered in cooperation with the Alpha Chi Rho National Fraternity and Clarkson University. There are standing committees that are comprised of both alumni and undergraduate students that aid in achieving the aforementioned goals. A listing of the current members of the Building Corporation is listed on the Officers Page. Alumni are encouraged to become members of the Building Corporation or serve on one of the following committees:

  • Asset Management Committee – Responsible for the short term and long term plans regarding the assets (land, dwelling, appliances, furniture, etc.) owned by the Building Corporation.
  • Fund Raising Committee – Responsible for raising funds that will be used to help assist the Undergraduate Chapter and fund projects that may be requested by the Asset Management Committee.
  • Risk Management Committee – Charged with the duty of working with Clarkson University, the Alpha Chi Rho National Fraternity and other organizations as required in dealing with alcohol and other issues related to Risk Management with the Undergraduate Chapter.
  • Alumni & Chapter Relations Committee – Charged with maintaining an accurate listing of all members of the Zeta Phi Chapter, providing assisting on the Chapter’s Web site, and plan gatherings that will include the Building Corporation’s Annual Meeting.
  • Scholarship Committee – Responsible for creating the guidelines and the nomination process for recognizing Brothers that have exceeded their role as a Brother and had superior academics.
  • Ad Hoc Committees – The President as needed or directed shall appoint Ad Hoc, or temporary committees that will serve until such time as their duties have been fulfilled, after which they shall report and disband forthwith.

Alpha Chi Rho Landmarks

  • Membership from among those who are prepared to realize in word and deed, the Brotherhood of all men.
  • The insistence on a high and clean moral standard.
  • The paramount duty of Brotherly love among members.
  • Judgment not by externals, but by intrinsic worth; no one is denied membership into Alpha Chi Rho because of race, creed, or nationality.